ChemDraw Prime

You will need to create an account on the CambridgeSoft web site to be able to download and install ChemDraw Prime.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Create a new account by doing the following:
    1. Go to
    2. Click the Search for Institution text box and type “Massachusetts”
    3. Click University of Massachusetts – Amherst
    4. Under Register to download the latest version of ChemDraw, click Register
    5. Complete the form (using your UMass email address), and Submit
  2. Your browser page will change to a login challenge. (You will also receive an email that links to this login page.)
  3. Click the Sign Up tab
  4. Enter your UMass email address and a password (remember the password)
  5. You will see a page with a List Entitlements
  6. Copy the Product Activation value for product “ChemDraw Prime. Annual Site Subscription, includes Support and Maintenance. V17 ..
  7. Click Download Now link
  8. On the New Versions tab, Click ChemDraw Prime link
  9. Click the link for the appropriate operating system (Windows or Mac OSX) of your computer to download ChemDraw Prime
  10. Open the downloaded file to install ChemDraw Prime
  11. On the Licensing window, select Activation code and use the copied Product Activation value when prompted.

Contact or if you have any questions.